days also means:
- 3 months and 8 days
- 10,270 km or 6,381 miles (flight Paris-Fairbanks non included)
- 253 hours in transport, meaning 10 and 1/2 days non stop
- 7 US States (Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California et Nevada) and 2 Canadian provinces (British Columbia and Alberta)
- 7 means of transport (hike, car, ski, train, ferry, bus, bike)
- 52 drivers who gave me a lift
- 38 different accommodation
- 4,329 pictures taken
- 83°C / 148°F of difference between Fairbanks (minimum at -49°C/-55°F) and Las Vegas (maximum at +34°C/+93°F)
- 1 proxy voting
- 1 McDonalds only
- More than 2,000 visits on the blog: thank you all!
100 days also mean:
- thousand faces and people met
- great surprise when I'm invited by people instead of camping
- true emotion in front of people's kindness and generosity, or in front of stunning landscape
- decisions to be made daily on the road to take
- hours of enriching discussions
- moments of doubt and questioning
- simple joy and real fun with people, especially when there is a good vibe between us
- days when I wish I had travelling companions
- apprehension of the unknow cleared up when I landed in Alaska
- daily learning about life.
It also means U miss at least 13 movies...but have smile, I keep U the list !